How to set-up a LinkedIn Page and Ad Account for Your Brand

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LinkedIn page and ad account

To get ahead, a LinkedIn page and ad account are important tools for the process of advertising on the platform.

It is well known that LinkedIn is a place for professionals and organisations which makes it possible to connect with highly qualified individuals and the decision makers in the industry.

While this sounds cool, it makes even more sense to take advantage of the set-up, by taking your brand or business to the decision makers through advertising.

To set up a LinkedIn page;

Step One: Sign into your LinkedIn profile.

Click on ‘work’ then scroll to the bottom of that section and click on ‘create company page’

LinkedIn page and ad account

Next, choose the right category as provided on the next page. Your business can either be;

  • Small Business; Fewer than 200 employees
  • Medium to Large Business; More than 200 employees
  • Showcase Page; To link your page to an already existing page
  •  Educational Institutions; For Schools and Universities

For this LinkedIn Page, I would choose a small business.

READ ALSO: Effective Facebook Ads Creation: Traffic Campaign Objective

Step Two: Fill company details

At the stage of creating a LinkedIn page and Ad account, you are expected to fill out the name of your company which also doubles as the ‘LinkedIn profile url’.

LinkedIn page and ad account

Step Three: Finish up

After adding the required details, you would now proceed to the page that has just been created for your business or brand and go ahead to optimise the page for conversion and visibility.

To create an  Ad Account;

Click on ‘work’, then choose the ‘advertise’ option. Once done, you would be able to quickly create an Ad account.

LinkedIn page and ad account

LinkedIn page and ad account

After creating the Ad account, you are now one step closer to running Ads on LinkedIn. Keep in mind the following

  1. LinkedIn Ads target based on countries, regions and continents
  2. You need a $10 dollar a day budget
  3. You can target based on academic qualifications and job positions in various organisations.
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