How to Identify the Best Social Media Platform For your Business

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best social media platform for your business

Knowing the best social media platform for your business is one way to establishing your online presence and ensuring your products or services gets to the right people.

The goal of every business is to make income, this makes it important that you do not waste any effort, putting your brand in front of the wrong audience.

It is always difficult to be on every social media platform as a beginner, as it might be difficult to manage them all at once, hence the need to narrow down your choices.

How then do you choose the right platform? Read closely

best social media platform for your business

Know Your Product or Service

Imagine asking Neil Patel a really simple question about SEO and he begins to flounder. Ouch!

One reason why the top guys are at the peak of the pyramid is the extensive knowledge and expertise they have been able to gather over time about their products or services

Before shouting on a rooftop about selling a product or service, you should first have a solid mastery of said endeavour before putting it out there. This would make it easier to answer to any doubts and objections that would definitely arise at first.

Knowing your product is key while looking out for the best social media platform for your business because it makes it easier to know which platforms to rule out seeing as the target audience are not primarily concentrated there. Fir instance, imagine selling human hair on LinkedIn. Yikes!

Know Your Audience

Let’s be honest, this one is pretty easy. Knowing the demographic of your audience, such as age, location and social beliefs are key. To know the best social media platform for your business, it is vital that you understand what people within that age range prefer to do on social media.

For Instance, most CEO’s would not be caught on Facebook and Instagram, so if you wish to reach people in that position, it has to b LinkedIn. Same way you would most likely not see a musician with a profile on LinkedIn.

Here are important questions to ask;

  • Who does your ideal customer  look like
  • Their age range
  • Ideal gender
  • Level of education and income range
  • What are their core interests

This gives you an idea of who your ideal customer is, and a better view of which social media platform they are most active on. To get a better understanding about social media demographics, click here 

What are Your Goals?

The ultimate goal for every brand is to make sales. Yet, there are other goals you can focus on, such as brand awareness and recognition. So it is vital to outline what you want to achieve with that particular social media account.

Once this has been identified, it gives you an idea on where to start. Twitter and Instagram are great platforms to gain brand recognition in a short period of time.

The major social media platforms;

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Tik Tok
  • Messanger
  • LinkedIn
  • Snapchat
  • Pintrest
  • YouTube

In conclusion

The right social media platform can do all sorts of wonders for your brand. Being able to identify the right one starts with knowing your product, then being aware of who your ideal customer should be, then you can go ahead to find out where they are.

Finding them also means that your product or service must resonate with people on that platform. The same E-book that would sell on LinkedIn might not perform so good on Instagram.

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