Checklist for the Pages on Your Website: What should be on each page

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Checklist for the Pages on Your Website

Having a checklist for pages on your website is a great way to start with a defined structure which would  make it much easier to define what should appear on your website and on what page.

While it makes sense to have your pages structured properly, it is always much better to have content in the right pages as this simplifies navigation and keeps people interested while scrolling through.

Additionally, a checklist for pages on your website gives you a blueprint to work with and helps you choose features such as the overall design of the pages, colours, text size and fonts just to name a few.

Let us take a look at the pages and what should be contained in them

Home Page

This is the general name for the front-page of websites which in all sincerity, can be boring at times. I mean, everyone is doing it so why not stand out. At Digital Marketing Skill Institute, our home page is 100& Free Training 

It is different from the random ‘Home or Home-page’ being thrown around by a majority of websites on the internet and makes that page stand out.

The home-page should contain a little bit about everything that concerns your business or brand. It is the point of entry for most people and should be optimised to give enough information  about your brand and more importantly, pass the 7 seconds test.

About Page

In an attempt to create a checklist for pages on your website, it is important to note that there is no ‘set in stone’ method of naming your pages.

However, the name of the page should be easy to understand and pass the right message across. As the name suggests, the ‘About’ page is necessarily meant to convey a message of clarity about what your brand stands for.

Here, you are allowed to add all the relevant information about your brand and the products or services you render and the page should be optimised for conversion.

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Products/ Services Page

A very important page on your website, seeing as every business or brand has the main goal of making sales on a regular basis.

To achieve this, the page should contain in-depth content on the products or services you offer, with as much details as possible.

Here, people are supposed to make an informed decision on whether to buy from you at that point or not and you should always keep in mind that they would most likely bounce off your funnel if they appear not to be convinced about what they can see.

To make life easier on everyone, endeavour to add testimonials, success stories and guarantees on this page as it goes a long way to project the value which they stand to gain from your products or services.


The blog page of your website is meant to hold the contents and articles which are meant to appear on the front-end and is a vital aspect of on-page SEO.

The articles should be optimised for certain viable keywords which have high search volumes and would help improve your domain authority. For a guide on how to carry out keyword research, click here 

The blog page should be properly designed as it goes a long way to determine how at ease people would feel while going through the content you have for them.


The contact page is crucial when mapping out a checklist for your website and the reason is not far fetched. Once people are convinced about your brand, the next step is to direct them to the right channel for conversion.

If the process from that point is long or considered tedious, a conversion challenge arises. To  make it easier to convert, ensure that there are multiple channels through which people can reach out to you.

This makes it easier for them to choose one which works best for them at all times.


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