How to audit a website for speed

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audit a website for speed

For most website owners, knowing how to audit a website for speed is key to good user experience. Nobody likes  slow website, hence the need to optimize Yours.

The process is quite simple as You have to carry out a test then get insight on what to optimize

For the most part, CSS and JavaScript files determine the speed of Your site. Images also play a crucial role. Having said that, let’s dive right in on how to audit a website for speed and optimize it.

Step One: Run a test

There are a number of tools on the internet to help with this. However, I would recommend two that are easy to work with for non-developers.

For the purpose of thiis guide, let’s work with gtmetrix

Go to

Next, enter Your website URL and hit the ‘Analyze’ button

Once the results come up, the issues would become obvious and the solution can be worked on

Here are a list plugins to help fix some of the issues to be ensountered


  • Hummingbird , Litespeed cache, WpRocket (PRO): For caching and to improve speed
  • Smush: To compress images
  • Akismet: To block off spamming
  • Wordfence: For extra security
  • Cloudflare: For Ddos Protection


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